The Great Carl Butler Sings (1966)

Carl Butler - The Great Carl Butler Sings
Artist: Carl Butler
Publisher: Harmony

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Track Title Length Composer Artist Lyrics Play
1 Cry You Fool, Cry 2:33 Ace Ball/Norma Allison Carl Butler no_lyrics
2 Your Cold Heart Told Me No 2:37 Pearl Butler/Kenneth Reece Russell Carl Butler no_lyrics
3 Kisses Don't Lie 2:42 George Sherry/Pearl Butler Carl Butler lyrics
4 I'll Go Steppin' Too 2:44 Jerry Organ/Tom James Carl Butler lyrics
5 Victim Of Lies 2:51 Carl Butler Carl Butler no_lyrics
6 Borrowed Love 2:29 Carl Butler Carl Butler no_lyrics
7 You Can't Insure A House Of Dreams 2:36 Carl Butler Carl Butler no_lyrics
8 Jealous Heart 2:27 Jenny Lou Carson Carl Butler lyrics
9 If I Could Spend My Heartaches 2:47 Pearl D. Butler Carl Butler no_lyrics
10 My Cajun Baby 2:16 Carl Butler no_lyrics
Total time: 26:02