The Big Heartbreak (1960)

The Wilburn Brothers - The Big Heartbreak
Artist: The Wilburn Brothers
Publisher: Decca

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Track Title Length Composer Artist Lyrics Play
1 Never Be Anyone Else But You 2:01 The Wilburn Brothers lyrics
2 The Big Heartache 2:27 Teddy Wilburn The Wilburn Brothers lyrics
3 Empty Arms 2:53 Ivory Joe Hunter The Wilburn Brothers lyrics
4 Please Don't Tell Me 2:10 The Wilburn Brothers lyrics
5 I Almost Lost My Mind 2:29 Ivory Joe Hunter The Wilburn Brothers lyrics
6 The Next Best Thing 2:28 The Wilburn Brothers no_lyrics
7 Someone Else's Love 2:24 The Wilburn Brothers lyrics
8 The Wayward Wind 2:39 Herb Newman/Stanley Lebowsky The Wilburn Brothers lyrics
9 Thirty Links Of Chain 2:23 Art Wolpert/Jimmie Low The Wilburn Brothers no_lyrics
10 That's All I Want From You 2:17 Fritz Rotter/M. Rotha The Wilburn Brothers lyrics
11 The Wrong Side (Of The Tracks) 3:06 Betty Sue Perry The Wilburn Brothers no_lyrics
12 I'll Never Stand In Your Way 2:22 Fred Rose/Hy Heath The Wilburn Brothers lyrics
Total time: 29:39