Music Row (1983)

Jeanne Pruett - Music Row
Artist: Jeanne Pruett
Publisher: Audiograph

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Track Title Length Composer Artist Lyrics Play
1 I Ought To Feel Guilty 2:31 Jeanne Pruett no_lyrics
2 It's Too Late 3:26 Gene Dobbins/Johnny Wilson/Rory Bourke Jeanne Pruett lyrics
3 Back To Back 2:56 Jeanne Pruett/Jerry McBee Jeanne Pruett lyrics
4 Temporarily Yours 3:16 Robert Warren Fischer/James Fron Throckmorton Jeanne Pruett lyrics
5 Love Is A Fading Rose 2:05 Jeanne Pruett no_lyrics
6 Star-Studded Nights 2:42 Sonny Throckmorton Jeanne Pruett lyrics
7 Wild Side Of Life 2:50 Arlie Carter/William Warren Jeanne Pruett lyrics
8 Love Me 3:26 Jeanne Pruett Jeanne Pruett lyrics
9 Swing Low, Sweet Chariot 2:46 Traditional Jeanne Pruett lyrics
10 Satin Sheets 2:59 John Volinkaty Jeanne Pruett lyrics
Total time: 28:57