The Lord Knows I'm Drinking (1991)

Cal Smith - The Lord Knows I'm Drinking
Artist: Cal Smith
Publisher: Country Harvest Records

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Track Title Length Composer Artist Lyrics Play
1 Drinking Champagne 2:42 Bill Mack Smith Cal Smith lyrics
2 Destination Atlanta GA 2:34 Bill Hayes/Bill Howard Cal Smith lyrics
3 I've Found Someone Of My Own 3:03 Frank Robinson Cal Smith lyrics
4 Swinging Doors 2:38 Merle Haggard Cal Smith lyrics
5 I've Loved You All Over The World 2:45 Glenn Johanson Cal Smith lyrics
6 The Lord Knows I'm Drinking 2:52 Bill Anderson Cal Smith lyrics
7 Oklahoma Hills 2:38 Jack Guthrie/Woody Guthrie Cal Smith lyrics
8 I Can Feel The Leavin' Coming On 2:35 Shel Silverstein Cal Smith lyrics
9 Between Lust And Watching TV 2:49 Bill Anderson Cal Smith lyrics
10 It Takes All Night 1:54 Bill Eldridge/Gary Stewart Cal Smith lyrics
Total time: 26:30