God's Hand In Mine (1966)

Slim Whitman - God's Hand In Mine
Artist: Slim Whitman
Publisher: Imperial Records (Japan)

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Track Title Length Composer Artist Lyrics Play
1 With God's Hand In Mine 3:13 J. Fred Coots Slim Whitman no_lyrics
2 He Bought My Soul At Calvary 3:22 Stuart Hamblen Slim Whitman no_lyrics
3 What A Friend We Have In Jesus 2:42 Charles C. Converse/Joseph Medlicott Scriven Slim Whitman lyrics
4 He Reached Down His Hand 3:10 Thoro Harris Slim Whitman no_lyrics
5 A Miracle Of Love 2:38 Charles F. Weigle Slim Whitman no_lyrics
6 Carried On The Shoulders Of The Shepherd 2:45 John W. Peterson Slim Whitman no_lyrics
7 My Father Watches Over Me 2:42 Charles/Gabriel/W.C. Martin Slim Whitman lyrics
8 How Great Thou Art 2:57 Stuart K. Hine Slim Whitman lyrics
9 He Set My Tears To Music 2:21 John W. Peterson Slim Whitman no_lyrics
10 Who At My Door Is Standing 2:54 Asa B. Everett/Mary B. Slade Slim Whitman lyrics
11 He'll Understand And Say Well Done 2:35 J.R. Baxter/Lucie E. Campbell Slim Whitman lyrics
12 The Love Of God 2:13 A. Crume Slim Whitman no_lyrics
Total time: 33:32