Rock 'n' Roll Moon (1975)

Billy Swan - Rock 'n' Roll Moon
Artist: Billy Swan
Publisher: Monument Records

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Track Title Length Composer Artist Lyrics Play
1 Everything's The Same (Ain't Nothing Changed) 2:32 Billy Swan Billy Swan lyrics
2 You're The Pain (In My Heart) 2:36 Billy Swan/Benny Whitehead Billy Swan no_lyrics
3 (You Just) Woman Handled My Mind 3:17 Billy Swan Billy Swan lyrics
4 Stranger 3:35 Kris Kristofferson Billy Swan lyrics
5 Baby My Heart 3:05 Billy Swan/Benny Whitehead Billy Swan no_lyrics
6 Got You On My Mind 3:02 Howard Biggs/Joe 'Cornbread' Thomas Billy Swan lyrics
7 Come By 2:41 Billy Swan Billy Swan no_lyrics
8 Ubangi Stomp 2:22 Charles Underwood Billy Swan lyrics
9 Home Of The Blues 2:33 Johnny Cash/Glen Douglas/Vic McAlpin Billy Swan lyrics
10 Overnite Thing (Usually) 3:08 Billy Swan Billy Swan no_lyrics
11 Rock And Roll Moon Blues [Part 1] 2:46 Billy Swan Billy Swan no_lyrics
Total time: 31:37